Hello and Happy New Year!! I just love a New Year, it always provides me with a feeling of anticipation, a feeling of excitement, a feeling of endless possibilities! It's a time for reflection, goal setting, visioning and preparing for the year ahead. It's about looking back at failures and successes, the losses and the big wins, the celebrations, the accomplishments - the journey that was.
A New Year for me, means New Opportunities, and how I can make the most out of every opportunity. So I'm going to use this first post of the New Year to share some of my personal strategies for preparing for the year ahead:
Write a list of all the things I accomplished in the previous year - sometimes I get so caught up in the present, that I forget all the amazing things that have been accomplished over the last 365 days. Write your list of the big and small things that you accomplished, and if you forgot to celebrate them - now is the time.
Goal Setting - I review my personal and professional goals that I had set from the year before to see what can be ticked off the list, and what needs to moved over to the 2019 list. An important activity for me is to also write down some immediate next steps to getting closer to achieving each goal - I think that is such an important part of the process so that I can start acting immediately on those goals and I'll also be one step closer to achieving them. In a PR Chick's Guide and my Be A Unicorn Journal, I have created spaces that allow readers to jot down their personal and professional goals, so that you have them all in once place.
Vision Board - Now that I've outlined the goals in all areas of my life, it's time to create my vision board so that I can have images and words that will be a daily reminder of what I'm working towards and that tie into the goals that I have outlined for myself. Where 'focus goes energy flows,' and I want to channel all my energy into accomplishing my goals.
This will set the intention for my year and allow me to focus on crushing these goals. Let me know if you have any tips that aren't included on my list that I could incorporate.
Your PR Chick,
